Day one in The Lead Gen Group – I felt nervous and apprehensive as to how I’d adapt to the different software’s used within the company.
My day began with Richard explaining all the systems used, such as ActiveCampaign where all contacts and details are kept. For example, there are various details for the different brands within the group, such as The Lead Gen Academy, Boiler Servicing 24-7 and WP Aid, such as campaign reports, automation’s, deals, CRM, databases and event management.
We also use many different ‘lists’ that we are able to add different customers to, allowing us to target different customers and send them relevant details that we feel may entice them.
There are also prospect lists for people who have subscribed to lead magnets that we launch such as ‘The 30 leads in 30 days Challenge’. I learnt that this is referred to as a ‘funnel’ and have been successful at create 1,000’s of leads for the business.
The 30 Leads in 30 days funnel helps people that are wanting to grow their businesses into taking interest in lead generation as they then begin to work their way down the funnel, looking more in depth at our business, what we have to offer and ultimately become paying customers.
ActiveCampaign also allows us to consolidate various details of entrepreneurs that may be interested in becoming members or attending one of our lead gen academies which means business cards do not have to be carried around.
I explored a website called Eventbrite where all details are kept for each event that takes place, showing us who has taken an interest in attending and purchased a ticket. A task I completed was to look at the details of the attendees and to see whether they were logged onto our systems on ActiveCampaign corresponding with the correct contact details and adding those attending that are not already on the system.
Once they have attended their first Academy they become unsubscribed from all automations, challenges and campaigns we offer and they are then added to the ‘Academy 1’ers’. This helps us to target those who could become potential customers after they have attended the event.
Another task I was able to complete was to get in contact with all those attending Thursday’s Lead Gen Academy, to see whether they are still interested and to offer them any further details that they may be unsure on, as well as reminding them the time of arrival to ensure they are not late.
It is important that I am aware of those who have now decided that they are not attending for when I am signing guests in.