Every day we hand out a tiny brochure about our businesses without even realising it. Look at the stacks on your desk, the deck in your drawer or the stash in your wallet. Business cards, in all sizes, shapes and colours, are everywhere. And yet, while we all understand that a business card is a necessity, we often fail to see it as a marketing opportunity.
It’s time to start seeing that little slip of paper for what it is: the best opportunity you have to market yourself or your business to a targeted and captive audience. After all, you chose to hand it to that person for a reason.
Below are my two best tips…
#1. PICTURE – Always include a photo of you! A logo is okay, but a picture is better because you want people to remember who you are, and a picture will definitely help with that. – Remember people buy people.
#2. CTA – A call to action (CTA) on your business card is so important, just like we’re taught to do on everything else we post and publish online. Think about your value ladder and ask them to download your ‘InfoSwap’ this gets them into your ecosystem and start the journey towards being your client. – It’s all about LEAD GEN.
To get the ideas flowing here are 60 great examples of Call To Actions that may help: https://www.convertingcopy.com/60-call-to-action-examples/
Have a great weekend all