Many entrepreneurs and marketeers throw themselves into 2020 with renewed passion and focus.
I am delighted to say many of them have jumped into our community to develop their very own Lead Gen Habit.
But before they start, I always advise the following – and perhaps this advice is universal.
Here’s why: Lots of people treat this kind of resource like a gym – they become a member, they show up once or twice, but they fail to implement what the instructor says is relevant for them and fail to follow through.
What results do they get?
The 30 Leads in 30 Days Challenge works the same: Browse all you want but start on DAY ONE and go for it.
Time block your Lead Gen Hour – its only 30 days!
Implement, get familiar, get good, then evergreen it, so it pays out leads forever.
A Lead Gen Automated Machine!
That’s my goal for you.
Eternal Evergreen Leads – 4Ever!
How do you start?
Follow this link, learn about the 30 Leads in 30 Days Challenge and take the first step: