I joined nearly 1 million people this morning as I bounced my growing self-isolated mass around the living room next to my far more energetic wife and kids.
Listening to the now legendary Joe Wicks tell me to ‘bunny hop’, ‘Spiderman’ and ‘climb the ladder like Fireman Sam’ was quite something!
With his channel now amassing nearly 98 million views, its quite a moment for him.
Watching an interview, he recorded with CCN on Sunday they asked him about his ‘over-night success’ and Joe replied the immortal words of every success story:
“It took me 7 years to become an overnight success”
…because he kept showing up for his audience every day for 7 years. Through small audiences and shoes string budgets, just to be ready for when the market was right and whoosh! – Off he goes into the internet hall of fame and donating all his income from the You Tube Channel to the NHS on the way.
AHHHH – Joe (you have to love him!)
…but it’s his graft that inspires me the most.
He made a HABIT of producing content and pushing that content out regularly to his audience.
He kept on keeping on even when it was tough, and the self-doubt kicked in.
That’s what habit does, and it take 30 days to create a habit.
For this reason I would like to invite you to start building a habit for your business – a marketing habit – one that will make your business ready to grow when the market changes and now is the BEST time to do it.
It’s called The 30 leads in 30 days Challenge and it gives you 1 task to do each working day to build a lead generating funnel for your business.
There is so much value you must check it out for yourself below: